My personal work, experiments and R&D-stuff is currently showed on my Instagram.
The countryside-map is getting internalized by our protagonists and as a symbol of their origin it connects them together as a family.
We at the SRF Visual Design Team drafted and crafted this sequence from scratch to the final touch.
Here is shown a slightly adapted directors edition.
Todays specialty on the menu: juicy squishy pastry of many origins. Cooked in Houdini with my secret procedural ingrediants (the begginners way though :-))
Opener for a new talk and cooking show on SRF.
Show-Opener for ECO TALK
on Swiss Radio and Television (SRF)
Eco Talk is a weekly talk on economy.
Show-Opener for DEVILLE on SRF1 (Swiss Radio and Television)
See all those curious and comical ideas sprouting from Dominic Deville’s head? They form the breeding ground for the wickedly funny late-night show “Deville” on Swiss Television.
This is the essence of the story that our kaleidoscope of inspirations captures in a colorful 3D retro look for the opening sequence of the show.
Title sequence for the docu-fiction picture on Swiss Television SRF 2019
While strong winds whip around the ropes, poles and tarpaulins, the strenuous construction of the circus tent succeeds with skillful ease. The mesmerizing animation alludes to the history of the Knie family, which has had to assert itself in adverse conditions time and again.
Opening title sequence of "Neumatt", a fictional tv series, broadcasted on Swiss Television and Netflix.
Conception and development of this title sequence for a crime/comedy-series about a private detective teaching his new rookies. Shown on Swiss Radio and Television.
Splendid artwork and production by Juerg Dummermuth at PLOY Studio.
For the Swiss Music Awards 2019, we let the iconic award trophy show off some serious improv moves. On our stage, the sought-after concrete block is now dancing and shaking, twisting and turning, bursting and morphing.
Event Opener for TEDxBern 2018
Opening title for the TV-show "50 Jahre Schweizer Hitparade" on Swiss television SRF
For Swiss television SRF, we at PLOY produced the opening credits of the two-part TV feature “Private Banking”
Opener for the cultural highlight in february 2016 on SRF – Big Dada.
© SRF 2016
Opener for TV show "Kultur Themenwoche Max Frisch" on SRF1.
©SRF 2011
Christmas Station ID Clips for SRF1
©SRF 2013
student work 2008
Opening sequence for the TV show "Songmates" on SRF
Visuals (Episodes) for Podcasts of SCHLUMMERLAND on SRF1 (Swiss Radio and Television)
Opener for TV show "Viva-Volksmusik" on SRF1.
©SRF 2011